Thursday, May 27, 2010

A 3D Desktop and baby cloves

I get an email today from my business partner. One year ago i was promoted to got to the Cebit 2009. And since Nick (business partner) was going with me. We met in Augsburg. I really wanted to implement Microsoft Touchless into AntMe! while we travel to Hanover. Since the German answer to TGV is the ICE it wasn’t that lucky. I bought baby cloves in a shop around Augsburg central station. What? Well you know, in order to use Touchless i need something trace- and trackable. So i had two choices. Paint my fingernails, which is obviously gay. Or be creative. I choose the second one. So sitting in the well cooled, very well cooled ICE i cut of the fingers of the baby cloves. In order to get Markers. People around me look at me there thoughts were so loud that i could here them. But anyway. So i started developing a XNA PlugIn for AntMe! controlled by the baby cloves.


Nick remembers that story well since it was a little embarrassing for him to sit beside someone how plays with baby cloves. So he write me an email these days.

“Why do i always have to think about baby cloves?”


Well from my perspective it’s not that hard to implement. But to get a clear and smoothie marker. It’s nearly impossible with the first version of Touchless. So the Idea of the cloves is brilliant. But to use the hole clove? I think it looks like the 80ths or worse. Maybe a filter on the Webcam can do that crap to. I have to think about that idea and let you know if it worked out.

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