Saturday, February 6, 2010

Joshua W.O.P.R. rules!

Ok, since i’m a really big Fan of the good old day’s where you need nothing but a telephone and a computer, to shock the world. Here comes how you can modify your Windows x.x even Vista and 7 to be more Joshua like.

Question? How to make the cmd look like joshua in wargames the movie? – Greetings Prof. Falken …

So first of all Type [WIN] + R and goto the C:\Windows\System32 folder. Yes you can do that via the Windows Explorer too. If you don’t like the fast way. 

Congratulations the hardest thing is done.

Now search for cmd.exe. If you found it just simple start it. No, you can not do that via bubble cmd start.

So now that we come so far open the context menu by clicking on the top window border and go to Properties –> Colors.

It should like this:


Notice that you set the color background color to black and the screen text to R: 148 G: 170 B: 214. Close and try you’re new color from Windows bubble –> type: cmd –> hit enter

Ok we are almost done. Again [WIN]+R or now you can use the Windows bubble and type: “regedit” hit Enter.

Yes we are in the Windows Registry, no fear there is nothing you can harm if you follow the next Steps. Or you create a Backup!

Creating a Backup:

  1. Locate and then click the root subkey that contains all the child subkeys and values that you want to back up.
  2. On the File menu, click Export.
  3. In the Save in box, select a location where you want to save the Registration Entries (.reg) file, type a file name in the File name box, and then click Save.

We continue by browsing to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE –> SYSTEM –> Current_Control_Set –> Control –> Session Manager –> Environment

Ok, guys hope you’re all still with me. Now that we are in the Environment Settings right click to open the contect Menu and say New –> String Value –> rename that new instance to Prompt.

Now you doubleclick the new created String Value Prompt and set it to:

textjosuha  $_Greetings Prof. Falken$_

say ok to save that value. After the next restart of your computer it should look like this:


Ok, i know it would be perfect if we could get commodore64 font, but since ttf is not supported by the windows shell, i’m sorry i found no way to that. But hey, doesn’t it looks really back then?

Here is a link about a post i found for customizing the command shell.

Have fun :-)

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